The Heart of Jesus we don’t yet know….

“In your life you have also given me birth. I am grateful to you for that.” Words heard in my heart during the Christmas Octave.

Me? Really? I asked. When? How? You? My Infant King?

Jesus’ words, his gaze, it was piercing, sweet, simple.

Is it true?

Imagine the angels bowing to you in gratitude for the way you extend Jesus’ Incarnation even now.

Name 3 moments in your life when you have loved, given, rescued, been a refuge for someone, or brought light that gave another freedom or relief or joy… Moments when you have shed on someone’s path light, hope, peace, delight….

Only Jesus knows what that gift of yours led to… how Jesus was born in someone’s soul because of the perhaps ever-so-small gesture of presence that you once offered another….

A smile through tears, a flash of hope, a first prayer, conversion, return to the practice of the Faith, a whispered prayer moments before meeting their Maker… We never know, but Jesus remembers how you have made him present to someone he was eager to encounter, how you gave him birth in the world today.

Receive now this gratitude of his Heart: “You also have given me birth on earth. I am grateful to you for that…” Taste the thoughts, movements of your heart, memories, desires… Hold them close to your own heart. Remember that in the heart of Jesus, this is how you are seen, this is how you are loved.

Image: rastellimelina from Cathopic.

5 thoughts on “The Heart of Jesus we don’t yet know….

  1. Can barely read what I am typing, tears of unbelief; too many years listening to the lies that I am wretched, beyond reproach. THANK YOU…


  2. I have a hard time with gratitude offered for something I’ve done. My insecurities perhaps, but I also believe these kinds of moments are “required” of disciples and I don’t want to be thanked I want to be accompanied.
    How does one balance ego stoked by thanks with humility because all is gift? This is my struggle. The sweet little baby in the manger is quite the gift.


    1. Barbara, a very thoughtful comment. This unexpected word of Jesus “thanking me” for the times I was in some way the bridge between him and another person brought a tremendous amount of humility. Me? When? How? That the Son of God took on human nature so that we creatures–as human as we are–could contribute to the mystery of redemption, that we in all our poverty could be Jesus’ arms and legs and voice and eyes for someone else. For me it was how Jesus accompanied me at that moment. He knew that the strictness with which I was treating myself was in some way obscuring a part of his Heart that I didn’t yet know, that he had not yet revealed to me. Jesus himself will help you with your struggle as you ask him to reveal to you what you most need to hear from him at this time in your life. It may surprise you what Jesus whispers to your heart….


  3. Dear Sr. Kathryn, You brought joyful tears to my hardened heart! I am speechless and humbled, and yet entirely grateful for how Jesus continues to reveal His ineffable love for me! To hear Him thank me for anything is profoundly impactful to my blessed relationship with Him! Thank you so much for “The Heart of Jesus we don’t yet know….”


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